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Travel guide

Vietnam is a Southeast Asian coastal country bordered by China, Laos and Cambodia, among others. The country is divided into five landscapes, which, after the country is stretched very long, all differ from each other: In the north is the mountainous Yunnan Highlands, east of the capital Hanoi is the fertile Red River Delta, in central to southern Vietnam is the sparsely populated Annamite Highlands, next to it is the Annamite Coastal Strip, and in southern Vietnam is the densely populated alluvial plain Mekong Delta.


Train from Hội An–Hanoi by Benjamin Vander Steen - originally posted to Flickr as RTW2009-1857HoiAn, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10772614

Train from the inside © marianpedroza

Sleeping wagon © mariana_saragoca

Top destinations


Ho Chi Minh City lies in the north of the Mekong Delta. Welcome to a city where many religions are interconnected, as exemplified by the Cao Dai Temple. This is because Cao Daists believe that Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Islam are one monotheistic religion; accordingly, this temple is also a meeting place of all those religions.

A city tour by boat is certainly a must! Life in the Mekong Delta is not only on land, but also in the middle of the water. Visit a floating market or enjoy your dinner in one of the numerous floating restaurants! The traditional dragon boat dates back to the 19th century and even today you can cruise through the water on it.

Pho, the traditional Vietnamese noodle soup, is prepared and sold in most streets in Ho Chi Minh City. The soup consists of vegetables and noodles and is definitely a culinary highlight!

#HoChiMinhCity #MekongDelta #religions #CaoDaiTemple #hinsuism #judaism #zoroastrianism #taoism #christianity #islam #monotheistic #boattour #dragonboat #pho


The capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, is a place of traditions. For one thing, you will find the Temple of Literature, the former National Academy, where until the 11th century AD, where highly gifted students of the bourgeois aristocracy were taught. The temple is based on the Confucius Temple in China and for this reason a Confucius statue was built surrounded by his students.

Furthermore, the Hanoi Ethnological Museum is located here, where the history of several cultures and the history of the country are displayed in exhibitions for all to see. The expositions can be found both in the building and in the garden.

The Hoan Kiem Lake, located in the Old Quarter, acts as a place of relaxation. In the middle of the lake, Ngoc Son Temple is enthroned on a small island, to which a bridge leads from the mainland. From the bridge you can see the Turtle Tower on another island.

Halong Bay

From Halong Bay on the South China Sea, you can take boat tours of the approximately 2000 small islands that lie scattered in the sea. Depending on your preference, you can choose between traditional boats and modern boats or smaller ships. According to the offer, there are restaurants or sleeping facilities on board. It is also possible to book tours to watch the sunrise at sea, depending on the provider.


picture (optional)

Experience of people that took that trip


Travel Podcast Vietnam

  • Original physical paper tickets:


-in Spain
-between France and Germany
-between Spain and France

  • Deposited tickets:

-between Kazakstan and China
-between China and Vietnam

  • Exceptions:

-in Ukraine and China you will have to pick up the tickets at the station- as a placeholder, you will receive a voucher from us

  • Online tickets:

-all other destinations

ALL Information for Bicycles


Aserbaidschan - https://caravanistan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5553

  • Officially not, somethimes busses take bikes


China - https://www.chinahighlights.com/china-trains/taking-bike-on-china-train.htm

Since January 2015, passengers can't take a bikes onto Chinese trains as carry-on luggage, as stipulated by China Railways.

Folding your bike up and putting it into a big box or suitcase sometimes passes the security check and allows you to board the train successfully. However, sometimes your packaged bike may be rejected by staff at the train station as over-size/over-weight luggage.

If so, there are two options to transport your bicycle on a train in China: 1. Consign it at the luggage office of the station. 2. Use China Railway Express's rail delivery service.

Option 1: Consigning Your Bike at the Luggage Office

Not all trains have luggage carriages for consignment of bikes,so you should mention you have a bike when buying your tickets, and the staff will try to book you a train with a luggage carriage (which means a classic ordinary train, not a high-speed train).

China Highlights can buy your train tickets, but cannot handle bike consignment on a train, nor do we know whether a train has a luggage carriage. The only way to find out whether a train has a luggage carriage is to go to the station and ask the staff.

Step 1: Consign the Bike Yourself at the Luggage Office

Once you have your ticket, you need to find the luggage office, which is often hidden around the back of the station somewhere.You need to consign the bike yourself at the luggage office. Even if you book a train with a luggage carriage, it is worth arriving early with your bike as the carriage can become too full.

Consigning your bike on another train: If your train can't transport your bike, you can change train or consign your bike on the next suitable train. China Highlights suggests, if you know in advance that your train can't transport your bike, you consign your bike on an earlier train, so that your bike will be there when you arrive.

Step 2: Bike Consignment Procedure

To consign your bike, you need to sign a form at the luggage office. Most luggage staff cannot speak English, but that is not a problem. Show your ticket and bike to the staff and they will take care of the rest. The transport fee is calculated from the journey distance. After payment you will be given a receipt. Keep it safe.

Step 3: Bike Collection

Use your receipt to claim your bike at your destination's luggage office. Your bike will be stored in the luggage office at the other end for up to 3 days for free. If you collect the bike beyond 3 days, you will have to pay an extra service fee.

Option 2: Use China Railway Express Delivery Service

You can also use China Railway Express (CRE 快运 Zhongtie Kuaiyun), an express delivery company offering rail transport services, with offices next to train stations.

Step 1: Bike Consignment Procedure

Consign your bike at the CRE office one or two days in advance, so that your bike will be there when you arrive. The waybill is in Chinese, so ask the staff to fill it for you. The fee is calculated from the weight and distance transported. After consigning your bike and paying the fee, the staff will give you a copy waybill. Keep this safe.

Step 2: Bike Collection

Pick up your bike at the CRE office at your destination station. Use the copy waybill to claim your bike.

Protecting Your Bicycle Before Consignment

During transportation small bicycle parts might be lost, and handling and other adjacent objects may cause damage to your bike. China Highlights suggests you protect your bike before consignment.

Remove parts that can be easily removed and take them with you, such as lights, bell, seat, and pedals. If you take the pedals or seat, or any other integral part off, point this out to the staff, so they can make a note of this on the luggage ticket, and there is no doubt what was actually transported, e.g. Giant mountain bike minus pedals and seat.

You could wrap the front forks, frame, and seat to avoid scratches.

Georgia - https://forum.cyclinguk.org/viewtopic.php?t=115942

„I was in Georgia for a few months a couple of years ago and had no problems putting my bike on local trains a couple of times. It cost a tiny amount and I just turned up and got on the train, no dismantling required. The bike just went in a goods carriage or in a space by the door. It might be different on the longer distance trains and if you are one them remember to be nice to your provodnitsa (conductor) or she can make your life hell...

Enjoy Georgia - the roads are terrible and the drivers worse but it's beautiful, tasty and hospitable. Gamarjos!"

Indonesia -

  • - Only foldable wheels with a maximum weight of 20 kg and a wheel size of less than 56cm in all trains.
  • - Especially in local traffic only 100x40x30 cm

Iran - https://www.zugreiseblog.de/iran-reise-individuell-zug-durch-persien/#:~:text=In%20iranischen%20Z%C3%BCgen%20kannst%20du,zusammen%20mit%20deinem%20Ticket%20aufsuchen.

Japan - https://www.bikecitizens.net/travel-tips-travelling-by-bike-in-asia-and-pacific/

Japanese taxi drivers wear uniforms, public transport runs on time and the sidewalk is spotless. Clean and efficient, that’s Japan. Apparently, bicycles do not fall into the clean category. When travelling by train or bus your bicycle must be covered. Japanese bicycle stores and online retailers sell Rinko bagswhich go around bicycles. Once covered, there is no fee when travelling by train. Only ferries will take uncovered bicycles. The cost is approximately twenty percent of the passenger fee.

A Rinko bag allows you to take your bike with you on the train in Japan. Photo: メルビル CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Taking a bicycle by bus is difficult. City buses do not cater for bicycles or have an undercarriage. Legally, you are allowed to bring a covered bicycle onto one of these buses. In reality, there is little space. Travelling longer distances on coaches which have undercarriages is easier. Most of these bus companies will carry bicycles. In both cases, a fee of approximately 50% of the passenger fair is applied for a bicycle.

If you are travelling in Japan, the Japan Cycling Navigator is a useful resource as it outlines key information. When flying in Japan it is important to adhere to excess baggage limits. Every airline will take a boxed bicycle for a price. I’ve personally had a good experience with Japan Airlines. They charged $50USD per ticket.

Kasachstan - https://caravanistan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2661

Report: new train from Tashkent to almaty with bicycles. Couldn't find any info on how it would go so we decided to try it. 2 people, 2 bicycles, has booked 2 sleeping berths.
On arrival the conductor said they were too big and called one of us inside to negotiate a "price", settling on $20 per bike. Then they said the only place to put them was on one of our bunks. Removed the front wheels and they both fit okay but it meant we had to share one bunk for 16 hours. They are pretty small too! For that price we could've bought a separate bed for the bikes, but I'm not sure if that's even allowed.. alternatively, if you remove the pedals, front wheel, and handlebars it might fit under the bed but we didn't try this.

Südkorea - http://www.cyclingcorea.com/home/how-to-buy-cycle-friendly-train-tickets

Yes you can get away with putting your bike on a KTX, any train car or under a bus, but it may involve taking off your wheels, having to make sure there's space between all the luggage or pretending not to know rules and hoping not to be caught.

And so traveling between cities, if there is a train option with cycle racks available that will be my first option. There's always space, no taking wheels off or stressing about being caught.

But how do you find trains with bike racks? When do they run? Between which cities and where can you buy tickets or check? These were questions that kept me from using this care-free service. The answer is the Korail App!

Unfortunately it's all in Korean, but if you know your Korean letters you can book tickets easy on your phone and secure a bike seat and know which trains have bike racks. There are lots of tutorials online that explains how to use the Korail app, just do a simple google search, but they don't show you how to check for a bike rack.

I took a few quick screen shots and tried to show how you would find a ticket for yourself and your bike. It's not pretty, but hopefully it's useful.

I've taken the train from Haeundae to Ulsan and back a few times now, once I did not even have a bicycle ticket, because they were sold out. So I checked the time of the bicycle train and just got on it anyways, there's 5 bike racks, but lots of space available for more bikes.

Once you know the time the trains come and go, it's pretty much the same for each day. Every day at 7:38am a train with bicycle racks leave from Haeundae station.

For the trains near Haeundae and Ulsan the bike racks are always in the cafeteria car, number 4. If it's not a bike friendly train they take out the cafeteria car, so the train has car 3 and 5, but car 4 is just missing.

I'm already planning my next train cycle trip, maybe Miryang or Gyeongju...

Laos - http://travellingtwo.com/resources/southeast-asia/transport

Your bike will almost certainly be strapped to the back or roof of the bus. A fee is payable, usually at the end of the journey and about 50% of the ticket price. There are some fast buses between major cities, although ‘fast’ is a relative term. The roads are still slow roads, no matter how few stops the bus makes. Expect lots of karaoke music videos.

Malaysia - http://travellingtwo.com/resources/southeast-asia/transport

  • Malaysia & Singapore – Like Thailand, there are trains and it’s no big drama to get your bike on them. Your bike will go in the cargo section for a small fee. Run by Keratapi Tanah Malayau


Myanmar - https://www.seat61.com/Burma.htm#Luggage_&_bicycles

  • Erfahrungsbericht: Man muss eine kleine Gebühr zahlen, dann werden die Fahrräder in einem Gepäckwaggon von den Mitarbeitern ein und aus geladen

Singapur - http://travellingtwo.com/resources/southeast-asia/transport

  • Malaysia & Singapore – Like Thailand, there are trains and it’s no big drama to get your bike on them. Your bike will go in the cargo section for a small fee. Run by Keratapi Tanah Malayau

Thailand - http://travellingtwo.com/resources/southeast-asia/transport

Thailand - The bike can sometimes go in the 3rd class carriage, depending on the journey and how the full train is. For longer trips, your bike will have to go in the cargo wagon so check beforehand that the service you want to take has a cargo wagon. A small fee, about 90 Baht, is charged for the bike. Note: you are responsible for retrieving your bike from the cargo wagon when the train stops at a station and there's not always a lot of time! Run by the State Railways of Thailand. More about Bikes on Trains in Thailand…


Vietnam - https://12go.asia/en/support/1364

Yes, on many trains it is possible to transport a bicycle or motorbike. It is best if you can go the station the day prior to departure to make the arrangements at the luggage office. We can not give reliable advice on the cost of transport as it depends on the size of the bike and the mood of the staff. In most cases, the price will be very negotiable.

Should you arrive at the station and find that it is not possible to transport your motorbike on the train for which you have already booked you will need to buy a new ticket on a train that can do the transport and cancel your booking in person at the station. After canceling please inform us as the refund can only be sent to the agent who made the booking and then we will send to you.





KTEL Achaias

Lux Express

Metro Turizm




Belgien - https://www.belgiantrain.be/en/tickets-and-railcards/bike-ticket

Are you taking your bike with you on the train? Opt for the Bike Supplement!

  • free for folding bikes
  • bikes, tandem, trailers or segways
  • € 4 single trip
  • to any destination in Belgium

Note: There are only a limited number of bicycle places in the train. It may be that places are occupied and that you have to take the next train.
It is not permitted to get your bike on or off the train in the following train stations: Brussels-Central, Brussels-Congres, Brussels-Chapelle, Bastogne-Nord, Bastogne-Sud.

For logistical reasons, groups are not allowed to bring bicycles.

Where to buy?

on the website, on the app, at the ticket machine, at the ticket office

Bulgarien - https://www.bdz.bg/en/a/faq

The transportation of bicycles is permitted in:

  • On the entrance platform of the last coach in the composition of all fast and passenger trains or in the luggage zone in electric multiple units.
  • In case of a group of bikers, the bicycles are distributed on the entrance platforms of the other coaches in the train composition.

The bicycle transportation fee amounts to BGN 2.00 and is payable upon the purchase of a ticket from a ticketing desk.

The passengers take care of their own bicycles during journey time.

Dänemark - https://www.dsb.dk/find-produkter-og-services/#2051

Deutschland - https://www.bahn.de/p/view/angebot/zusatzticket/index.shtml

Bicycle transport on long-distance trains

You can take your bike with you on long-distance trains to many cities and holiday destinations in Germany and Europe. You can take your bike on Intercity and Eurocity trains as well as on selected connections on the ICE.

To be able to take your bike with you on long-distance trains, you need a bike pass and a parking space reservation for the bike. You can book the bike ticket conveniently in one transaction when you buy your ticket.

A reservation is absolutely necessary, as the number of bicycle parking spaces is limited. The reservation is free of charge if you book it at the same time as the bike ticket.

Book online ticket with bike ticket

Carriage is limited to one bicycle per passenger. This includes two-wheeled, single-seater bicycles (not subject to registration up to 25 km/h) and folded bicycle trailers.


Special types of bicycles (e.g. tandem, recumbent) are not permitted on all long-distance trains with bicycle transport for capacity reasons. Further information is available from all DB sales outlets.

Our bicycle compartments

The vehicles used offer various options for the safe transport of your bicycle. Depending on the space available, bicycles are transported either hanging or standing.

Bicycle transport on international trains

Bicycles can be taken to many neighbouring European countries on trains approved for this purpose.

Bicycles can be taken to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland.

Search for connections

Information on connections with bicycle transport is available at all DB sales outlets, online or on the move.

Tip: On bahn.de and in the DB Navigator app, search specifically for connections on which you can take your bike with you. To do this, tick "Only show connections for taking bicycles with you" under "More options" in the connection search.

Book a bike ticket and reservation

For cross-border bicycle transport, you need an international bicycle ticket.

In Germany, this costs 9 euros for a single journey and includes a parking space reservation. It is valid to your destination station at no extra charge. However, some restrictions on use must be observed when you change to local trains of neighbouring railways.

Bicycle tickets and parking spaces for journeys abroad can only be booked directly at DB Travel Centres or DB agencies.

International bicycle tickets and the corresponding parking space reservations can be ordered by post on the service number 0180 6 99 66 33 (20ct./call from the fixed network, max. tariff for mobile phones 60ct/call).

For technical reasons, it is not possible to book a parking space reservation for the return journey on day trains from France. We recommend that you obtain information on the spot and book reservations if necessary.

England – Nationalrail - https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations_destinations/cyclists.aspx

Planning ahead

Please check if your bike needs to be reserved on a train before you travel. You can check using PlusBike within Journey Planner or directly with the Train Company.

If you are travelling with a bike and have purchased an Advance ticket for a train on which bikes are permitted but bike reservations are not possible, and there is no room for the bike on the booked train for the Advance ticket, then you can travel on the next train with the same ticket on which there is a bike space available.

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On Board

Please make sure you are aware of the bike on train carriage rules before travelling, you can find this information within PlusBike.

In general:

  • Label your bike clearly
  • Cover folded bikes
  • Motorcycles, tandems, tricycles and bicycle trailers are not permitted
  • Unaccompanied bikes are not permitted
  • Bikes must be kept in designated areas and must not obstruct doors or aisles

Bikes are carried at the owner’s own risk (see National Rail Conditions of Travel).

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Folded bikes

Folding bikes are carried free of charge and without restriction on all services, subject only to the additional requirements for specific services set out below:

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Engineering work and bikes

Engineering work may affect train services, check before you travel.

In general:

  • Non-folding bikes are not allowed on rail replacement bus services at any time.
  • Folding bikes can usually be taken on replacement buses. However, this is subject to space being available and this cannot be guaranteed. A break down of which train operators allow folding bikes can be found here

More information on engineering work.

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Bus link services and bikes

Some of the journeys showed in Journey Planner are permanent bus links, bikes are not permitted on these services.

Folding bikes are allowed on these services if they are fully folded and stowed as luggage, subject to space being available.

Finnland - https://www.vr.fi/cs/vr/en/bicycles_skis_en

Foldable kick scooters can be transported free of charge as hand luggage. Larger, unfoldable kickbikes are transported like bicycles and bicycle transport fees apply.


Bicycle transport fee


Please note!

InterCity-trains (long-distance)

5 €

A bicycle space must be booked in advance.

Customers should bring the bicycle to the bicycle space in the double-decker wagon of InterCity trains where it is possible to lock the bicycle with a 50 cent coin. The coin is returned when the bicycle is removed from the bicycle stand after the journey.

Luggage carrying express night trains

Bicycle transport fee 5 €
tandem bicycle or Bicycle + trailer 10 €

Purchased at a VR station

Note: Starting from the 15th of December, 2019 it is not possible to transport large luggage or bicycles on the direct night train route Turku–Rovaniemi–Turku. However, it is possible to transport such items on a route with a transfer connection. Ask for more information from Customer Care.

Commuter trains

Free of charge

Kickbikes are equalled with bicycles.

Trains to Russia

Free of charge

Bicycles may be transported if they are packed into a luggage-sized casing (60x100x40 cm). Bikes may have to be disassembled to fit within these dimensions.

Without the casing bicycles may not be transported.

Buying a bicycle ticket

Passengers who travel with a season ticket or multi-tickets can purchase an additional bicycle ticket at VR Stations or by calling VR Customer Care, tel. 0600 41 900 (1.99 €/answered call + local network charge).

Folded cycles

Transport a folded cycle as hand luggage without a cycle fee in long-distance and commuter trains.
If the folding cycle fits on the luggage rack please remember to use a plastic bag to prevent staining of other passengers' luggage.



Please note!


There are large luggage lockers, one per car in the vestibule


in the service car's luggage locker or in the open lockers in car no. 5.

Please note, that the lower locker is reserved for prams.

Express and regional trains

as hand luggage without a cycle fee


in the vestibule

Commuter trains

in the vestibule

Trains to Russia: Allegro

luggage space in car end

may be transported if they are packed into a luggage-sized casing (60x100x40 cm).

Trains to Russia: Tolstoi

can be transported in the sleeping compartments.

The biggest folding cycles do not, however, fit on the luggage rack or in the IC train luggage lockers.

France - https://de.oui.sncf/de/hilfe-de/fahrrad-mitnahme

Friends of cycling, welcome aboard! Whether for your daily commute or to catch the departure of the Tour du France, you can take your precious two-wheeled frame on most trains. Under certain conditions ...

The golden rule: a bicycle dismantled and stowed in a special transport bag, max. 120 x 90 cm, is considered hand luggage. It does not require a booking and does not incur any additional costs (with the exception of Ouigo: additional baggage option, see below).

If you want to travel with a bike that is not dismantled, you will usually have to pay for it and you will definitely have to book your train ticket and the bike service at the same time.

You cannot book this service online if the carriage of your bicycle is not offered on part of the journey.

The conditions for exchanging and refunding the bicycle service are the same as for your rail ticket.

Retrouvez l'ensemble des prestations et leur tarif, selon le transporteur et selon que vous démontiez ou non votre vélo, dans les tableaux ci-dessous.

National train companies

(1) : With the exception of the Bordeaux-Nantes and Lyon-Nantes lines, for which booking is compulsory for €5: it is therefore possible to book the bicycle service on OUI.sncf for these lines.

International rail companies

We will go into the individual cases below so that you can find out all the details. Read the procedure well beforehand to book the bicycle service on Oui.sncf:

How do I book for a non-dismantled bike?

Now that you have identified the conditions and fares, here is the procedure to include your non-dismantled bike in your train ticket.

Once you have selected your travel dates and arrival and departure stations and started the search, you will find all possible trains, times and fares displayed on the results page.

A box on the left shows the settings of your search. Now click on the item "X traveller" at the bottom as follows:

Es erscheint eine weitere Box. Wählen Sie „Fahrrad/Fahrräder hinzufügen“:

Sie können nun ein Fahrrad, zerlegt oder nicht, zu Ihrer Reise hinzufügen:

Don't forget to click on "Search" to confirm this selection!

The ticket booking for a non-dismounted bicycle is for all passengers. You must make a separate reservation if some passengers are travelling without a bike. A booking is not necessary for dismounted bicycles.

The results page will now refresh and you can select your journey. Note that the bicycle option is now saved correctly:

Likewise, the option will appear in your shopping cart when you confirm your choice by clicking on "Select this outward journey":

Und Ihr Fahrrad ist dabei!

Greece - http://www.trainose.gr/en/passenger-activity/passenger-services/luggage/

Bicycle transportation

The bicycle transportation service is in accordance with Regulation 1371/2007 of the European Union according to which railway companies shall enable the bicycle transportation, provided that bicycles are easy to handle, the transport complies with the requirements of the specific service and the bicycles are transported in trains which have the space to transport them.

The bicycle transportation in the trains of TRAINOSE is as follows:

Α. Long distance trains in the composition of which a luggage van is incorporated:

  • Athens-Thessaloniki route (trains IC50, IC52, IC54, IC56, IC58, IC51, IC53, IC55, IC57, IC59)
  • Athens -Kalambaka – Athens route (trains 884-885)

In the long distance trains of TRAINOSE bicycles are transported as registered luggage, in the luggage van, in accordance with the existing Regulation of TRAINOSE, applicable to registered luggage. A fare of 5€ per bicycle is charged.

Up to 5 bicycles are accepted as registered luggage on each train, provided that there is capacity in the luggage vans.

Β. On the following Railway Routes:

  • Athens-Chalkida
  • Piraeus –International Airport «Elefterios Venizelos» – Kiato
  • Lianokladi – Stylida
  • Palaiofarsalos-Kalambaka
  • Larisa- Volos
  • Larisa-Thessaloniki-Larisa on trains 1590, 1595, 2592, 2596, 2591, 2599, 590,591

From May to September the bicycle transportation is not possible on trains 1595, 2591, 2592 590 and 591 due to increased number of travelers

  • Thessaloniki-Platy-Florina (up to 2 bicycles are accepted due to increased number of passengers)
  • Thessaloniki-Kalambaka, on trains 1595, 2596, 590, 591, from Thessaloniki-Palaiofarsalos and vice versa

From May to September the bicycle transportation is not possible on trains 1595, 590 and 591 due to increased number of travelers

  • Alexandroupoli – Ormenio (only on certain trains)
  • Katakolo-Pyrgos-Olympia
  • Suburban route of the city of Patras

Up to 3 bicycles are accepted as hand luggage on the trains of these routes without any charge, provided that there is enough capacity inside the coaches and the bicycles can be transported without annoying the others passengers.

The passenger-owner of the bicycle is solely responsible for the bicycle’s transportation and its placement in the coach as well as the security of the bicycle during the journey, in order also to avoid any damage to the rolling stock.

The placement of bicycles between the seats is not allowed.

C. Buses of Trainose

The transportation of one (1) foldable bicycle is possible in each route, without any charge. The passenger-owner of the bicycle is responsible for the whole procedure of the bicycle transportation.

The bicycle should be placed in a suitable storage case and the bicycle dimensions should be up to 100 x 60 x 25 cm.

During the journey the bicycle is placed in the luggage space of the bus.

On the following touristic trains bicycles are not accepted:

Ano Lehonia-Milies route (train of Pelion)

Diakofto- Kalavryta route (Rack railway)

Contact details:

TRAINOSE Call Centre by calling number 14511, charged when calling from a landline in Greece 0,646€/min, and 0,984€/min when calling from a mobile phone, with an additional mobile phone tax of 12% to 20%, depending on the monthly bill, VAT not included.Operating hours 6:00-23:00 daily.

The special customer support line at 0030 213 0 121 121. Operating hours 08.30-13.30 on working days (Monday to Friday).

Ir3land - https://www.wirsindanderswo.de/anreise/detail/beitrag/irland/#:~:text=Fahrradmitnahme%20im%20Land,pro%20Zug%20nach%20Reservierung%20erlaubt.

In allen Zügen von Nordirland sowie in allen Fernzügen in Irland werden Räder mitgenommen. Abgesehen von der Linie Dublin–Cork sind in der Republik Irland immer nur zwei Räder pro Zug nach Reservierung erlaubt. In den Nahverkehrszügen im Grossraum Dublin ist eine Radmitnahme nur außerhalb der Stoßzeiten erlaubt.

Italy - https://www.trenitalia.com/de/serviceleistungen/bahn_rad.html


On national trains

You travel by train? Don't do without your bike !

You can take one bicycle per person (disassembled in a bag or a folded folding bike), which you can store in the luggage rack or elsewhere if there is no more space. Make sure it does not get in the way of other passengers and cabin crew.

Maximum size allowed 80x110x40cm.

On international trains

You can also take your bicycle on some international trains in a designated carriage or in bicycle parking spaces in passenger carriages.

The fee is €12.00 and can only be paid directly on board.

List of international trains with bicycle service

On regional trains

You want to take your bicycle on the train? If an icon with a bicycle appears in the Service column of the train you have chosen, you can take your bicycle on the train.

Tickets valid for bicycle transport:

- a bicycle ticket at a price of 3.5 euros, valid for 24 hours from the time of validation

a 2nd class ticket for the route you have chosen, which must be validated before boarding the train.

If the bicycle is transported dismantled in a bag or folded up, transport is free of charge.

Bicycle tickets are not refundable.

Croatia - https://www.cycle-around-europe.de/transport-des-fahrrads-im-zug-bus-oder-flugzeug/fahrradmitnahme-im-zug-bus-in-kroatien/#:~:text=Slowenien-,Fahrradmitnahme%20im%20Zug%2FBus%20in%20Kroatien,auseinandergenommen%20und%20verpackt%20werden%20m%C3%BCssen.

In Croatia, bicycles may be carried as luggage on all trains, but this also means that the bicycles must be disassembled and packed. In addition, there are a number of national trains where bicycles (up to 10) can be taken in designated bicycle compartments. The cost of transport is 15 kuna. The Croatian railway company lists on its website the trains on which it is possible to take bicycles on board.

In addition to the national trains, there are also a few international connections that allow you to take your bike with you. The Croatian railway also lists these on its website.

In general, however, the railway network in Croatia is very thin and some trains only run infrequently. Istria, for example, is hardly connected to the rail network. Alternatives are sometimes coaches, e.g. Flixbus, which take bicycles on some routes. Ferries are also a very good alternative in Croatia. Many of them allow bicycles to be taken on board. Venezialines, for example, offers a connection from Istria to Venice (bike transport €10).

Lattvia - https://nicoleopter.blogspot.com/2019/05/tipps-und-hinweise-fur-radreisen-durch-lettland.html

There are more bus lines than train lines in Latvia. Taking bicycles on the bus costs only a few euros. While tickets for passenger transport are usually available at the ticket counter, tickets for bicycle transport must be purchased from the bus driver.

When buying a ticket, you should first find out whether the bus has enough space to take bicycles, as some buses are not coaches but minibuses. If necessary, the handlebars must be placed crosswise and the pedals removed for transport. In this case, of course, the appropriate tools should not be missing.

Taking bicycles on the train is unproblematic, although there are no designated bicycle compartments. The entrance to the trains is quite high and the platforms of older stations are relatively low, which should be taken into account when carrying a heavy load of bicycles. Luggage and bicycle tickets are inexpensive and can be purchased at the ticket counter or, for a small surcharge, on the train.

Lithuania - https://www.zugreiseblog.de/baltikum-zug-fahrplan-tickets-reisetipps/#:~:text=Fahrr%C3%A4der%20kannst%20du%20im%20Baltikum,hierf%C3%BCr%20jedoch%20eine%20Fahrradkarte%20ben%C3%B6tigt.&text=Die%20Fahrpl%C3%A4ne%20im%20Baltikum%20%C3%A4ndern,noch%20einmal%20alle%20Verbindungen%20%C3%BCberpr%C3%BCfen.

You can take bicycles on the train in the Baltic States without any problems. In Estonia and Lithuania, however, a bicycle ticket is required.

Luxemburg - https://www.cfl.lu/de-DE/customerservices/detail/Services-a-bord-du-train/Velos

The bicycle spaces and their number vary depending on the type of train. Moreover, bicycle transport is only guaranteed within the limits of the spaces available on the trains.

You can easily identify the bicycle spaces on CFL trains by the green marked access doors.

On foreign networks, the conditions of carriage for bicycles vary according to the different companies.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, check with our services (call centres and sales centres) before departure.

Netherlands - https://www.ns.nl/en/travel-information/bikes-on-the-train.html

Currently not allowed

Northern Macedonia

*Ireland: In Northern-Ireland there is space for 4 bikes each train.

Norway - https://www.vy.no/en/travelling-with-us/train/travel-info/bikes-on-trains

Bikes on trains

Remember to reserve a space for your bike on vy.no or in the app for regional routes and the Gjøvik Line. On local trains, you may purchase a bike ticket after boarding the train.

See also:

Bike ticket prices

In Oslo and Akershus (all Ruter zones) your bike ticket costs the same as a child’s ticket. The exception is on the Gjøvik Line, which charges the minimum ticket price of NOK 21 for bringing your bike along.

Bicycle tickets generally cost 50 per cent of a Single ticket or a Flex Refundable ticket. During the summer season, Bergensbanen charges a fixed price per bike regardless of the length of your train ride. Charges for bringing your bike on board regional trains are found in the journey planner.

What train lines require bicycle-space reservations?

  • The Bergen Line: The train departing Oslo at 06:25 features a designated bicycle car with ample space for many bicycles.
  • The Gjøvik Line

What train lines do not require bicycle space reservations?

Here are the lines not requiring reservation and the number of bike spaces onboard:

  • Skien–Oslo S–Lillehammer: up to 20
  • Oslo S–Halden–Gøteborg: 5
  • The Bratsberg Line: 2
  • Other local trains: 5

The number of bicycle spaces that are available depends on the number of passengers, wheelchairs, and baby carriages that are on board, as we must ensure good accessibility on our trains. Train personnel retain ultimate authority to decide if there is space on board for bicycles.

How do I reserve space for my bicycle?

Making bike-space reservations is mandatory only on 1) long-distance regional trains that require passengers to make seat reservations, and 2) the Gjøvik Line. (See overview: What train lines require bicycle-space reservations?)

You may reserve space at the time you purchase your ticket online at vy.no by selecting the heading “Travellers” and then “Bike” or under “Travellers” in the Vy app. Alternatively, you may reserve space for your bike at one of our staffed train stations or by contacting Customer Service.

If you are travelling by local or regional train lines that do not require advance seat reservations, you must purchase a bicycle ticket either on board the train or at a staffed station.

How do I label my bike?

You are responsible for securely labeling your bike. (Gjøvikbanen does not require bike labeling.)

If you purchase your ticket online at vy.no or via Customer Service or the Vy app, you will receive an email with a completed bike identification form. Print out the ID sheet and attach it to your bike using elastic bands or tape before boarding the train.

If you purchase your ticket at a staffed train station, you will receive your bike identification label along with your ticket.

In case you forgot your bicycle label when boarding, you can obtain one from a train conductor, but you must fill out the ID label and attach it to your bike yourself.

Download a blank bicycle label

How do I bring my bicycle on board?

You must travel on the same train as your bike, place the bike in the designated space in a carriage or freight compartment, and retrieve it upon arrival. Train staff are ready to assist. Before it is brought on board, your bike must be unlocked and free of any luggage.

You may bring a foldable bike as carry-on luggage at no extra charge. However, the folded-up bike must be placed so that it is not in the way of other customers or obstructs free passage in and between carriages. It must be placed or wrapped up so that oil and dirt from wheels and chains do not damage seats, train interiors, or passengers’ clothing, luggage, or other belongings.

Austria - https://www.oebb.at/de/reiseplanung-services/im-zug/fahrradmitnahme

From a leisurely ride around the lake to a tour of the summit on a mountain bike: countless cycle paths invite you to cycle throughout Austria. On ÖBB trains you have a number of options to take your bike with you.

You can take your bike with you on most local and long-distance trains. In Austria, you need a special bike ticket for 10% of the ÖBB full 2nd class fare for the journey (minimum € 2,-). You can also buy weekly or monthly tickets for your bike. For international routes we offer you the Biking International Ticket at a price of € 12,-.


Secure your bicycle's favourite parking space for your next journey right away! Simply log into your ÖBB account, deposit your Vorteilscard and reserve your favourite place. Until 7 January 2021, you can still benefit from the particularly favourable price of € 1,-*. If you do not yet have an account, please register online.

* Action price valid from 15 June 2020 to 7 January 2021 for Vorteilscard customers with online or mobile booking in the ÖBB customer account. Valid in 1st and 2nd class on all ÖBB long-distance trains in Austria and abroad, except Nightjet.


If you do not want to transport your bike on the train yourself, you can comfortably pick it up at home with the door-to-door luggage service and have it transported to your holiday destination.


You can book your bike ticket up to 6 months in advance at these places: online, via the ÖBB App, at the ÖBB Customer Service on +43 (0)5 1717 and at the ÖBB ticket counters.

A note for all e-bikers: There are no charging stations for bicycle batteries in our trains. The sockets in the carriages are only suitable for small devices. Therefore, please make sure you have full batteries before your journey!

We ask for your understanding that bicycles cannot be taken on the buses if rail replacement services are necessary at short notice.

Reserve a parking space

- ÖBB App

- Einfach-Raus bike ticket

- ÖBB & nextbike

- Folder bicycle transportPDF, 341 KB

With your bike on local trains

On local trains (Cityjet Xpress, Regionalzug, Regionalexpress and S-Bahn), we will gladly take your bicycle along if there are enough free spaces. You cannot reserve a place for your bike on these trains.

For small groups on local trains, we also offer the Einfach-Raus bike ticket.

With your bike on long-distance trains

On long-distance trains (Railjet, Railjet Xpress, Intercity, Eurocity, Schnellzug/D-Zug, ICE, Nightjet as well as on the Intercitybus from Klagenfurt/Villach to Venezia or Trieste) you must reserve a seat for your bicycle. The reservation costs € 3,- online and via the ÖBB App. At the ÖBB customer service under +43 (0)5 1717 and at the ÖBB ticket counters you pay € 3,50 for it.


Bicycles exceeding our standard dimensions (length more than 185 cm, height more than 110 cm, width more than 60 cm, tyre size from 29 inches, tyre width more than 4.2 cm as well as a maximum weight of 30 kg) or tandems, recumbents and bicycle trailers can only be transported in special luggage compartments. Reservations for these are not possible online or via the ÖBB app.

We cannot take along exclusively electrically powered vehicles.

Tips for departure from the station

- To make train and bike travel a pleasure from the very beginning, we recommend arriving at the platform 5 to 10 minutes before departure.

- Your reservation confirmation (for long-distance trains) will tell you in which carriage your bicycle parking space is located. Find out in advance from the carriage queue indicator on the platform in which sector the bicycle carriage stops.

- Please remove any luggage (e.g. panniers) from your bike before the train arrives. Then boarding and loading can be done without any hassle.

- Please clean your bike before boarding if it is very dirty.

- You are responsible for loading your bike. When getting on and off the train, please take care not to damage the train or your bike.

- To safely stow your bike for the train journey, there are bike hooks on most long-distance trains. On local trains there are defined areas where straps are available to securely fasten your bike.


  • On Przewozy Regionalne Regio, InterRegio and RegioExpress train: 5,50 zl

Intercity trains: 9,10 zl, Platz muss reserviert werden

Portugal - https://www.cp.pt/passageiros/en/how-to-travel/Useful-information/bike-transport

Apart from the special conditions that apply to each service, bike transport on CP has to meet the following conditions:

  • each customer can only take one bike;
  • CP is not liable for any damage caused to the bikes and/or third parties during the journey;
  • the bike owners are responsible for putting the bikes on and off the trains;
  • the bikes must be transported so as not to block the doors or to hinder other passengers boarding or disembarking;
  • no cycling is allowed in the stations, concourse underpasses or overpasses;
  • bike transport is only allowed on the permitted services and carriages;
  • the ticket inspector may refuse the transport when, given the number of passengers on the train, the bike could cause danger or damage to the train or injure people or when it could disturb normal service;
  • outsized bikes (e.g. long bike or tandems) are not allowed;
  • electric bikes are allowed (maximum power of 0.25 kW), so long as their size/space (not considering the battery) are similar to normal bikes;
  • bikes can only be carried under normal operating conditions. This does not include replacement bus services or similar.


The supports in the carriages do not have padlocks.

Lisbon – Oporto / Guimarães / Braga / Viana do Castelo, Beira Alta, Beira Baixa, Alentejo (Lisbon Oriente / Évora) e Sul Intercidades trains

The 2nd class carriages on these trains have proper supports for traditional bikes, allowing 2 bikes to be taken in each carriage.


  • Only one bike per passenger;
  • The bike must weigh 15kg or less;
  • The carriage of bicycles is limited to the space available - places 15 and 17 in the 2nd class carriages on the northern line Intercidades Lisbon-Oporto/Guimarães/Braga/Viana do castelo and places 12 and 18 in the 2nd class carriages on the Beira Alta, Alentejo Lisbon Oriente/Évora and Sul line trains. If these places are not available, only bikes than can be folded or disassembled and stored as hand luggage can be carried. No more than one bike per person.
  • Transport is free in any case.

Sales channels:

Regional / InterRegional / Coimbra urban trains

The Regional, InterRegional and Coimbra urban trains allow you to take your bike. On the platform before boarding, go to the ticket inspector, who must issue the ticket (the passenger's) and say whether the bike can go on board as the space is limited depending on the kind of rolling stock.

There are temporary restrictions on bikes on the Regional and InterRegional trains.

It is advisable to use the carriages and spaces indicated on the regional trains.

Rumänien - https://www.cfrcalatori.ro/en/bicycles-transport/

n all the trains of CFR Călători, only foldable bicycles are allowed as hang luggage, provided that they can be deposited in the luggage space and they don’t disturb or affect the other passengers.

Non-foldable bicycles may be transported on board trains in the designated spaces from the specially fitted coaches.

For the international destinations, CFR Călători provides the bicycle transport service between Brașov-Budapest and return, on board train no. 366/367 “HARGHITA”. The special bicycle coach circulates daily between the 25th of May 2019 and the 8th of September 2019.

In order to transport non-foldable bicycles on board the train, buying the international bicycle ticket is mandatory. The price of the bicycle ticket is of 5 euros/bicycle.

The bicycles are the responsibility of the passengers, in the departure station, the connection station and the arrival station, as well as during the travel.

Russland - https://www.russianrailways.com/faq

Are bikes/motorbikes allowed during travel?

There are very specific rules about carrying bikes on the train. They should be disassembled and carried compactly, with the luggage in the storage space and that too only for bikes without motors in them. Additional charges are applicable to the passenger traveling with the bicycle, depending on the weight of the bicycle.

They can also be transported separately on the baggage cart. There will be proper tags on them for identification purposes, and there will be an additional charge for that transport as well, depending on the travel distance. These cargo services, however, are not always available or they could have special weight limitations that are applicable. All this information, as well as the cargo ticket, will be available at the train station.

Schottland - https://www.scotrail.co.uk/plan-your-journey/cycling/bikes-trains

Go for a long jaunt through the countryside, or speed up your journey home.

You’ll find designated cycle spaces on all of our trains.

For some journeys, you’ll need to reserve a space for your bike, as these services are long distance routes and often busy. Reservations on the following routes are compulsory:

  • Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen
  • Glasgow, Edinburgh and Inverness
  • Glasgow, Oban, Fort William and Mallaig
  • Aberdeen and Inverness
  • Inverness, Wick, Thurso and Kyle of Lochalsh

Reserving a cycle space

You can make a reservation on the phone, online, or in person:

Where you can't book a spot, spaces are given on a first come first served basis. If you're travelling at peak times, bear in mind that commuter services usually have very limited space.

Due to on-train space restrictions and for customer and staff safety, we are unable to accommodate tandems, tricycles and non-folding cycle trailers on our trains.

ScotRail welcome electric cycles (e-bikes) on our services. Where cycle storage is provided that involves hanging the bike up by the wheel on our hooked cycle storage, we recommend where possible that customers remove their e-bike battery. This will reduce the bike's weight and make it easier for you when lifting your bike onto the hook.

Please note, to avoid damaging the on-train electrical circuits, ScotRail cannot allow e-bikes to be charged via the plug sockets on our trains.

ScotRail don’t allow motorbikes or mopeds, including electric mopeds on any of our services.

Short platforms: make sure you’re in the right carriage

Some peak trains are longer than the platform on the Glasgow to Edinburgh (via Falkirk High), Gourock, Wemyss Bay, Ayr, Ardrossan and Largs routes. Make sure your bike is in the right place so you get off the train in time.

Sweden - https://www.cycle-around-europe.de/transport-des-fahrrads-im-zug-bus-oder-flugzeug/fahrradmitnahme-im-zug-bus-in-schweden/#:~:text=In%20Schweden%20ist%20die%20Mitnahme,Alternative%20Swebus%20oder%20Flixbus%20an.

In Sweden, it is generally not permitted to take bicycles on board trains operated by Swedish Railways. There are exceptions on certain routes of other providers or in local traffic. The bike travel wiki offers a nice overview here. As is the case almost everywhere in Europe, Swebus or Flixbus can be used as an alternative.

Switzland- https://www.sbb.ch/de/fahrplan/reisehinweise/velos/mit-dem-velo-nach-europa.html

To Europe by bike.

Take your bike with you on your journey through Europe: SBB and its neighbouring railways also allow you to take your bike across national borders.

The international bike ticket.

You need an international bike ticket to take your bike across national borders. A reservation is also obligatory.

- The international bicycle ticket is valid from the departure station to the destination corresponding to the passenger ticket.

- It is available for the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

- It consists of two parts: a ticket with price imprint for your control and a second ticket voucher without price imprint. Please attach it to the spokes or luggage rack of your bike.

- The compulsory reservation is included in the price of the international bike ticket, but is only valid for the first cross-border train. You can make the reservation for the return journey in advance.

- You can get your bike ticket and reservation at the ticket counter.

Slowakia- https://www.wirsindanderswo.de/anreise/detail/beitrag/slowakei/#:~:text=Das%20Fahrrad%20kann%20direkt%20am,die%20Reservierung%20von%20Fahrradstellpl%C3%A4tzen%20m%C3%B6glich.

Most local and long-distance trains take bicycles. The bicycle can be handed in directly at the train's luggage compartment - if available - or loaded yourself. If there is no extra bicycle compartment, the bicycles can be stowed in the first or last entrance of the train. In long-distance trains, it is sometimes possible to reserve bicycle parking spaces.

Slowenien - https://www.slo-zeleznice.si/en/passenger-transport/useful-information/general-terms-and-conditions/taking-your-bike-by-train

Transport of bicycles

When travelling by train, you can also take your bicycle with you. Trains which carry accompanied bicycles are marked accordingly in train timetables both home and abroad. The number of bicycles the train is able to carry depends on train type and occupancy. Groups of more than ten passengers travelling with accompanied bicycles need to place a reservation for their journey at least 8 working days in advance.

Certain provisions apply when combining bike and train:
  • Passengers must travel with the same train as their bicycle.
  • Passengers may transport only one bicycle.
  • Passengers load the bicycle by themselves, keep an eye on the bicycle during transport and unload the bicycle at the final destination.

Across Slovenia


To take your bicycle with you on the train, you need to pay a flat-rate charge of €3.40, irrespective of the distance travelled. A bicycle ticket together with a valid rail ticket is valid for one day for unlimited accompanied bicycle transport across the Slovenian rail network.


International trains allowing transport of bicycles
  • EC 150/151 Ljubljana – Wien – Ljubljana,
  • EC 158/159 Zagreb – Wien – Zagreb,
  • EC 212/213 Zagreb – Ljubljana – Villach – (München – Frankfurt) – Villach – Ljubljana – Zagreb,
  • EC 246/247 Ljubljana – Budapest – Ljubljana (from 20 June to 25 August 2019),
  • MV 314/315 Dobova – Ljubljana – Villach – Ljubljana – Dobova (from 18 April to 7 October 2019),
  • MV 480/481 Rijeka – Ljubljana – Rijeka (from 19 April to 8 October 2019),
  • MV 482/483 Rijeka – Ljubljana – Rijeka (from 7 June to 7 September 2019),
  • MV 1246/1247 Budapest – Ljubljana – (Koper) – Ljubljana – Budapest (from 20 June to 25 August 2019),
  • MV 1272/1273 Sežana – Pula – Sežana (from 22 June to 1 September 2019),
  • MV 1274/1275 Ljubljana – Pula – Ljubljana (on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 20 April to 16 June, and every day from 2 September to 29 September 2019).

Passengers travelling abroad purchase a ticket for bicycle transport in Slovenia.

Passengers travelling to Slovenia from abroad purchase a ticket for bicycle transport abroad. The price for combining bike and train may vary according to the direction of travel.

The stated prices for bicycle transport apply for the whole route, i.e. in Slovenia and abroad.


From Slovenia a) (EUR)

From abroad b) (EUR)

a) ticket for bicycle transport is purchased in Slovenia.

b) ticket for bicycle transport is purchased abroad.










Restrictions when combining bike and train

Construction work on tracks may occasionally involve changed regimes for train travel. In such cases, a replacement bus service is arranged for certain scheduled trains.

As transport of bicycles can also be disrupted, please check all possibilities for combining bike and train before travel.

Further information

Further information on combining bike and train on the way to certain destinations are available at international ticket counters and info centres.

Groups of more than ten passengers travelling with accompanied bicycles need to place a reservation for their journey at least 8 working days in advance.

Group travel in Slovenia:

Tel.: +386(0)2 29 22 419

Group travel abroad:

Tel.: +386(0)1 29 12 517

Spain - https://www.cycle-around-europe.de/transport-des-fahrrads-im-zug-bus-oder-flugzeug/fahrradmitnahme-im-zug-bus-in-spanien/

Unfortunately, the Spanish railway operator Renfe is similarly bike-unfriendly as many European railway companies. In the high-speed and long-distance trains, bicycles can only be taken on board in a packed state. Pedals must always be removed and the handlebars turned 90°. Renfe also officially states a maximum length of 180 cm for the packaging on AVE, Larga Distancia and Avant trains. With these packages, the bike can be taken along. In some cases, it must be carried as special luggage (e.g. in sleeping cars). In this case, the maximum dimensions are 120 x 90 x 40 cm. If appropriately packed bicycles are to be taken on night trains, further special conditions also apply. For example, only 2 bicycles per compartment are possible and these must be specially reserved. The Renfe website offers more information here. Cycle Fiesta offers some more good information.

Apart from the conditions in long-distance traffic, bicycles may be transported normally in the Media Distancia Conventional, Cercanias and Feve trains in appropriate compartments/cars. On trains of the Media Distancia Conventional and Feve Media category, transport costs €3 for more than 100 km and is free of charge below that. On Cercanias trains, transport is free of charge. In general, the number of spaces is limited and transport cannot be guaranteed in all cases. Some Media Distancia Conventional trains do not allow the transport of bicycles. You should find out about this in advance.

In some regions or in local transport, there are also some deviating regulations. The bicycle travel wiki offers a good overview.

Alternatives to trains are intercity buses, which take bicycles as luggage (in the luggage compartment and packed).

Czech Republic- https://www.cd.cz/de/dalsi-sluzby/psi-kola-a-jina-zavazadla/-27978/

How is one carried on the train?

You can take advantage of the following services:

- Special luggage - on trains marked with the symbol of a bicycle, you can carry a bicycle that you personally take care of. You load the bicycle yourself into the carriage provided for this purpose.

- Luggage trolley (so-called storage during carriage) - on trains marked with the symbol of a suitcase, a bicycle can be loaded into a space designated for the carriage of bicycles with the assistance of the train attendant. During transport, the bicycle is supervised by the train crew.

For the carriage of a bicycle, a carriage charge is paid depending on the number of kilometres travelled, and for storage during carriage (luggage wagon), a one-off storage charge is also paid. The passenger pays a carriage charge and a storage fee directly to the train attendant.

On some trains, the service of reserving a place for a bicycle can be used, on some connections reserving a place for a bicycle is obligatory.

Explanation of symbols

extended carriage of luggage, especially bicycles (up to capacity)

Bicycle transport with the possibility of reserving a place for a bicycle and for a passenger (in some trains only for a bicycle), only as long as the capacity of the train allows it, when the full capacity is reached only with the consent of the conductor.

Bicycle carriage with reservation obligation for bicycle parking space and passenger

Storage during carriage (until capacity is reached)

Storage during transport, with reservation possibility for bicycle parking space

Storage during transport, with obligation to reserve bicycle parking space

Bicycle transport not possible

Carriage of a bicycle as special luggage

The carriage of bicycles as special luggage is allowed on trains marked with the symbol of a bicycle (see the overview of symbols at the end of this page), in which carriages with special places for the carriage of bicycles are lined up. The respective carriages are marked with the symbol of a bicycle. Furthermore, such carriage is also permitted in passenger trains, express trains, fast trains, fast trains of a so-called higher quality and express trains, provided that the service of carriage of special luggage or the service of so-called storage during carriage (luggage wagons) is not provided in these (see below) - namely in the first and in the last boarding area of the train, where a maximum of two bicycles can always be placed, unless this is excluded for technological or safety reasons. In all cases, bicycles can only be carried as special luggage as long as the capacity of seats on the train allows, and the final decision as to whether (and in which place) an additional bicycle can be carried rests solely with the conductor on the train in question. Under no circumstances can bicycles be carried on trains marked with the symbol of a crossed-out bicycle in the timetable.

As part of the carriage of special luggage, child trailers can also be transported with a bicycle - these must be uncoupled from the bicycle during carriage. For the purposes of carriage, these are treated as pushchairs and are carried free of charge.

A tandem bike or a multi-seater cannot be carried as special baggage.

Carriage of bicycles in luggage trolleys

The service of so-called storage during transport (luggage carts) is provided on ČD trains marked in the timetable with the symbol of a suitcase (possibly a suitcase in a circle or a suitcase in a frame). The service carriage or compartment in which a bicycle or other luggage can be stored is also marked with the symbol of a suitcase.

When using the service of so-called safekeeping during transport, you hand over your bicycle directly to a ČD employee in the marked carriage. When leaving the train, you will collect your bicycle from the ČD employee directly at the train. When transferring to another train, each passenger is responsible for loading the bicycle onto the next train. The main advantage of the service of storage during transport is that you do not need to supervise your bicycle during the journey, as it is supervised by the train crew, and you do not need to find a seat in the immediate vicinity of your bicycle. The service thus works in a similar way to a storage facility at a railway station.

Before depositing a bicycle in the so-called storage during transport, all easily removable parts must be removed from the same.


By bicycle on the Pendolino

On SC Pendolino trains, it is possible to transport bicycles as special luggage to a limited extent, with a compulsory reservation of a place for a bicycle.


Reservation of a place for a bicycle

For a carefree train journey with a bicycle, in most cases you can reserve a seat for a bicycle in advance, usually also with a seat for you in 2nd class (the seat for a passenger and the seat for a bicycle can be sold on one ticket). If it is possible to reserve a place for a bicycle on the train, the symbol for special luggage (a bicycle) or for storage during carriage (a suitcase) is in a ring; if such a reservation is obligatory, this symbol is indicated in a frame. A reservation of a place for a bicycle (together with a seat for the passenger or but only a place for a bicycle) you buy in advance at a ticket office, in the e-shop or at the latest from the train attendant of the previous train. Only on SC trains can an SC seat ticket with a reservation of a seat for a bicycle also be purchased on the same train, provided that such seats are still available (please always clarify this with the respective train conductor before boarding the train).

A reservation for a seat for a bicycle can be purchased in advance up to 60 days in advance. The sale of reservations for trains with a possible reservation of a place for a bicycle always ends 2 hours before the train's departure from the station of departure. The sale of reservations for trains operating in international traffic with a mandatory reservation of a place for a bicycle usually ends at the time of the train's departure from its station of departure. The sale of reservations for domestic trains with a compulsory reservation of a place for a bicycle always ends at the time of the train's departure from the passenger's departure station.

In addition to the reservation document, you will also need a ticket for the bicycle (a transport document for the bicycle) and, if applicable, you will also pay a one-off fee for the service of storage during transport (luggage trolley).

Cycling through Prague

On the territory of the Czech capital Prague, a bicycle can be transported free of charge as special luggage on ČD trains included in the Prague Integrated Transport (PID) system with a PID ticket. With a PID ticket, a bicycle can also be transported free of charge in Prague by metro, tram, cable car and ferry, whereas the use of a bicycle bus (cyclobus) is always subject to a charge.

Travelling abroad by train and bicycle

Are you travelling abroad? If you are travelling from the Czech Republic to another country, you can take your bicycle with you as special luggage. You load your bicycle yourself in the space provided for this purpose on the train, which enables easy stowage of a bicycle. Carriages with spaces for the carriage of special luggage are marked with the symbol of a bicycle. A bicycle carried as special luggage is under your own supervision during the journey. In this case, it is advisable to sit in the carriage near your bicycle to keep an eye on it. If you change trains, you can also transfer your bicycle from one train to the next.

When travelling to Slovakia, you can also use the service of so-called storage during transport, i.e. a luggage trolley, on selected trains. You load your bicycle into a special carriage, where a conductor stows it while you take a seat in another carriage. Carriages with the service of storage during transport (luggage carriages) are marked with the symbol of a suitcase. During the journey, the bikes are supervised by the conductor, from whom you then collect your bike when you get off the train. If you change trains, you then transfer your bicycle from one train to the next yourself.

You can only board trains with a bicycle if this service is available.

Bicycle as special luggage

Bicycles can be taken as special luggage to the following countries: Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Poland (only on direct long-distance services between the Czech Republic and Poland), Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia and Belgium. For the carriage of a bicycle from the departure station in the Czech Republic to the destination station abroad you pay 276 Czech crowns (10 EURO)*, in the case of Slovakia you pay 83 Czech crowns (3 EUR)*. A receipt for the transport of the bike back to the Czech Republic from abroad can also be purchased in advance already in the Czech Republic. When buying Price for handing over a bicycle in the luggage trolley (so-called storage during carriage).

For each transported bicycle, the price of a luggage receipt (the same price as the price for transporting special luggage) and a one-time storage fee for storage during transport in the amount of CZK 20 must be paid. The one-time storage fee for storage during transport is paid separately for each train and can be paid in advance at a ČD ticket counter, in the ČD e-shop or directly to the conductor on the train.

Prices of reservations for a bicycleframe or the symbol of a suitcase in a frame). International transport vouchers for the carriage of a bicycle and reservations for a bicycle can be purchased at ticket counters selling international transport tickets.


Carriage of bicycles to Slovakia

When travelling to Slovakia by train with a bicycle, you can use the service of safekeeping during carriage (symbol of a suitcase) or the service of carriage of special luggage (symbol of a bicycle). The price of transporting a bicycle to Slovakia is 83 Czech crowns (3 euros)*, regardless of whether the bicycle is transported as special luggage or in safekeeping during transport (in a luggage trolley) (you do not have to pay a one-off transport charge as for journeys in the Czech Republic). When travelling to Slovakia with a bicycle on a long-distance train, a seat reservation for the bicycle must also always be purchased. Without a pre-purchased reservation of a place for a bicycle, the bicycle cannot be loaded onto the train, a reservation cannot be purchased from the conductor. The fee for a reservation is 3 euros (approx. 83 Czech crowns)*.

Within the framework of so-called local border traffic between the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with a maximum distance of 52 kilometres from the border), you can also have your bicycle transported as special luggage between selected stations on all trains or carriages travelling in Slovakia that are marked with the symbol of a bicycle. You can also take a bicycle into unmarked carriages of trains of the categories passenger train (Os), express train (Sp), REX and express train (R) into the first and the last boarding area of the train, where a maximum of two bicycles can be placed, unless this is excluded for technological or safety reasons. The price of a carriage voucher for one bicycle for one direction of travel on the selected route is 50 Czech crowns. You can also purchase a ticket for a bicycle in advance at a ČD ticket counter for travel back from Slovakia to the Czech Republic.

Rail travel with a bicycle in regions near the border

Bicycles can also be transported, usually as special luggage, within the framework of discounted regional offers for cross-border travel (day tickets such as a Labe-Elbe-Ticket, EURO-NISA-TICKET) and offers of so-called local border transport (e.g. MPS Länderbahn, MPS EURegio) to Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria. You will find more detailed conditions on prices etc. with the relevant offer.

* The prices of tickets for international transport and surcharges as well as other fees are fixed in euros and are converted into Czech crowns according to the valid Uniform Rail Conversion Rate.Preisliste für die Beförderung von Sondergepäck

Tarifkilometer / Zone

Preis des Beleges für das Gepäck

1 – 50

30 CZK

51 – 100

40 CZK

101 – 150

50 CZK

151 – 200

55 CZK

201 – 250

60 CZK

251 – 300

65 CZK

301 – 350

70 CZK

351 und mehr

75 CZK


99 CZK

Price for handing over a bicycle in the luggage trolley (so-called storage during carriage).

For each transported bicycle, the price of a luggage receipt (the same price as the price for transporting special luggage) and a one-time storage fee for storage during transport in the amount of CZK 20 must be paid. The one-time storage fee for storage during transport is paid separately for each train and can be paid in advance at a ČD ticket counter, in the ČD e-shop or directly to the conductor on the train.

Prices of reservations for a bicycle

Typ of Reservation


Seat ticket for a passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, separate reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage or reservation of a seat for a bicycle in the luggage trolley (so-called storage during transport), purchased in the ČD e-shop together with a ticket, or seats reserved via the ordering system for transport of groups of passengers with bicycles 0 CZK

Seat ticket for a passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, separate reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage or reservation of a seat for a bicycle in the luggage trolley (so-called storage during transport), purchased in the ČD e-shop together with a ticket, or seats reserved via the ordering system for transport of groups of passengers with bicycles 0 CZK

Seat ticket for a passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, separate reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage or reservation of a seat for a bicycle in the luggage trolley (so-called storage during transport), purchased at a ticket counter or separately without a ticket in the ČD e-shop 35 CZK

Seat ticket for a passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, separate reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage or reservation of a seat for a bicycle in the luggage trolley (so-called storage during transport), purchased at a ticket counter or separately without a ticket in the ČD e-shop 35 CZK

Seat ticket for the SC (Pendolino) for one passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage - depending on the price levels valid for the specific day and train 0 - 250 CZK

Seat ticket for the SC (Pendolino) for one passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage - depending on the price levels valid for the specific day and train 0 - 250 CZK

Seat ticket with reservation of a seat for a bicycle or separate reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, purchased from the conductor on the train (according to the rules for purchasing seat tickets on the train) CZK 50

Seat ticket with reservation of a seat for a bicycle or separate reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, purchased from the conductor on the train (according to the rules for purchasing seat tickets on the train) CZK 50

Seat ticket for SC (Pendolino) for one passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, purchased from the conductor on the train (according to the rules for purchasing seat tickets on the train) - depending on the price levels applicable for the specific day and train 50 - 250 CZK

Seat ticket for SC (Pendolino) for one passenger with reservation of a seat for a bicycle transported as special luggage, purchased from the conductor on the train (according to the rules for purchasing seat tickets on the train) - depending on the price levels applicable for the specific day and train 50 - 250 CZK

Turkey - https://turkeytravelplanner.com/special/bicycling/bus_train.html

Not possible L

Ukraine - https://www.radreise-wiki.de/Ukraine#:~:text=Es%20ist%20m%C3%B6glich%2C%20in%20der,zust%C3%A4ndige%20Wagonschaffner%20das%20letzte%20Wort.

It is possible to transport the bicycle on the train in Ukraine. Officially, the bicycle must be "packed" (no matter how), and in a certain way "dismantled". When deciding how exactly this really has to be the case in individual cases, the responsible wagon conductor has the final say. However, it seems that this regulation is enforced quite strictly. It is advisable to remove the wheels and handlebars and attach them to the frame with adhesive tape. A tarpaulin can serve as packaging if a tent is carried, otherwise the dismantled wheel can be wrapped in cling film. When deciding which train class to travel in, you should bear in mind that although third class is dirt cheap (5 euros from Kiev to Kovel, 500 kilometres), you sleep in a large compartment with sixty other people. Space is therefore very limited. Without knowledge of Russian, transport can be difficult, as the railway staff do not speak English and neither do many of the fellow passengers. Second class costs more, but you travel in compartments with much more space to transport luggage.

Ungarn - https://radreise-wiki.de/Ungarn#:~:text=In%20den%20Z%C3%BCgen%20der%20Ungarischen,von%20den%20Kilometern%20abh%C3%A4ngig%20ist.

Bicycles can usually be taken on board the trains of the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV), even on express trains, with the exception of some intercity trains. A bicycle ticket (kerékpárjegy) must be purchased to take bicycles on board, the price of which is about a quarter of the fare, i.e. it depends on the number of kilometres.

Since 15 May, surcharges have to be paid for express and fast trains (gyorsvonat and sebesvonat).

In trains that do not have a bicycle compartment, bicycles can be placed in the first and last car in the boarding area. Especially on the Budapest-Balaton route, critical situations sometimes occur on fast trains in the high season. It is recommended to board at the South Station (Déli pu.) or at the East Station (Keleti pu.) (depending on the train), not at Kelenföld Station, where these perons are already occupied. The possibility of using other platforms then depends on the goodwill of the train attendant. However, recent experience shows that you can no longer count on the goodwill of the train conductors. Presumably they fear problems if they are checked.

The suburban trains of the Budapest Public Transport Company (HÉV) allow the transport of bicycles; a route ticket (vonaljegy) must be purchased and validated on the train. A route ticket for the bicycle is also sufficient when travelling to the terminus of these trains (Szentendre, Gödöllő, Csömör, Ráckeve), within Budapest the passenger also needs the same ticket for himself, outside the city limits the ticket must be purchased at the station or from the conductor, then the price depends on the distance travelled.

Bicycles can also be taken on the rack railway under the same conditions. This is a good way to cover the almost 400 hm to the Buda Hills. The bottom station is directly on the cycle path to Hüvösvölgy, from the top station you can cycle back to the starting point on cycle paths or roads with little traffic (i.e. almost just rolling).

Bicycles are not allowed on trams, metros and buses. Exceptions are bus 65 to Hármashatárhegy.

Tickets (supposedly also international tickets) can also be bought in Budapest directly at the MÁV railway company headquarters at Deák tér metro station, József Attila utca 16. English is spoken.



  • Das Büro muss über Zusätzliches Gepäck informiert werden und es kostet extra


  • Die Maße des verpackten Fahrrades dürfen nicht größer als 130x100x30 sein


KTEL Achaias

Lux Express

  • - The bus driver decides on the spot whether there is room for the bicycle. If not, the ticket cost will be refunded.
  • - Not possible in Lux Mini buses

Metro Turizm


  • Not possible

The visa must be organised by the customers. When booking a ticket, you will receive a confirmation
that will help during the visa process. In case any question regarding the visa process occur, the
embassies of the destination shall be contacted. The foreign ministries will be glad to help you with any
other requirements. Useful websites are linked when you click „Info“ under your country of origin.

Visa requires




Great Britain


Websites of embassies























































ja, bis Mai 2021











South Korea




















































































United Emirates






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